
Click Here to look! ๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿป HOWSIE!

Howsie! enhances communication between roommates and keeps them connected, updated, and stay comfortable.
We are currently in process of launching. I am in charge of product marketing strategies, brand analysis and user-centered business modeling.

Get to know your housemates

Take our lifestyle test and get to know howsemates traits and tasts. Craft a living space where everyone vibes together and understand their lifestyle from quirks to passions!

Unify Rule Governance

Co-create your howse rules collaboratively. Suggest, vote on, and finalize rules effortlessly to ensure a stress-free and harmonious home.

Simplify Task Coordination

Distribute howsekeeping tasks and chores with just a few tapes. Notify every howsemates with timely alerts and say goodbye to confusion.

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